Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We exist to be a light in West Tennessee, to our neighbors, and to all nations as we are Going and living lives as disciples who make disciples through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Mission: Honduras
El Ayudante’s Story is a testimony of how God can prosper a simple act of obedience by everyday people to bring hope and life change to tens of thousands.
El Ayudante was founded and developed because of generous donations of time and resources from multiple groups and individuals. But the original vision behind El Ayudante began because of one man’s decision to follow the Lord’s guidance. While Mel Cox did not have all of the time or materials, he saw the need and felt the call to do something in Honduras.
Click here to read more about El Ayudante
El Ayudante was founded and developed because of generous donations of time and resources from multiple groups and individuals. But the original vision behind El Ayudante began because of one man’s decision to follow the Lord’s guidance. While Mel Cox did not have all of the time or materials, he saw the need and felt the call to do something in Honduras.
Click here to read more about El Ayudante
Mission: Loveland
Loveland, Colorado
Our Focus City is home to Josh Elliff, planter of River Church. River Church is a brand-new church in Loveland, CO whose desire is to follow God, lovingly engage people with the Gospel, model authentic biblical community, and build multiplying communities for Christ in Loveland and beyond. Brownsville Baptist Church has intentionally partnered with the Elliff’s in seeing God glorified through the work of River Church.